Thursday, June 29, 2006


Can't find wireless anywhere, so expect little updates like this until I manage to find a free wifi connection when I can expand and have time to upload photos.

Have basically spent the morning wandering around Venice - either my sense of direction is better than Glen's, or I'm just lucky, but I haven't had any problems finding my way around. Have pretty much walked a full circle around the city. Very hot here, so I've been buying water like it's going out of style. Wonderful place though - like nothing else I've ever seen. Tomorrow we depart for Florence, although we're yet to deal with the Italian train system, so if nothing else it should be interesting.

Also, in a minor celebrity bombshell, Ian Healy is staying at our hotel with his family.

Yes, Ian Healy.

Ok, so it's not Cameron Diaz, but I was still impressed.


At 3:25 pm, Blogger McBain said...

dude, italian train system, so much better than it sounds..
we used that thing to get the whole way across the country...
just make sure u get in the right section, theirs a first class and a second class, and they will check your tickets..
also usualy u will have a coach number, a carrigae number
AND a seat number you will need to stick to..
Train trip from venice to florence wasnt that long (i dont think)
Also get prepared for florence..
but dont do as i didnt, buy a leather jacket..
the leather there is fantastic!

Also quick question
did venice smell in the summer time?
ive herd it does..
we were there in winter so it wasnt hot at all, so we didnt know..

At 4:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man that ian healy is a cock.

he was the guest speaker at a leus launch i was at the other week.

he makes me look like a champion orater.

i mean fuck

he's like

"yeah yeah yeah and this one time, richie drove his little yellow car, and it was yellow, and i had a beer with merv, and breadloaf tricycle piano! hahahahahahaha!"

dick :P

At 5:48 am, Blogger Paul Dawson said...

We just arrived in Florence - the train ride down was a breeze. Very easy. Easier than I thought it would be. Rode second class. The amusing part was all the Itie locals just sat wherever the hell they wanted, and there was a huge fight at Bologna when people who had reserved seats wanted to claim them. People arguing and this poor little ticket collector in the middle of it all.

Do I really want a leather jacket from Florence? I can't see myself wearing one.

Venice was ok - the canals were a bit on the nose, but didn't notice anything else wrong.

And so much for my celebrity bombshell. Evidently I don't associate with the A-list like Monsieur Meakin.

At 3:27 pm, Blogger McBain said...

well, if you arent going to wear one..
i would recomend not buying one.
Although it IS the best leather in the world..

Gota love the no this is my seat, nono its mine..

When we were cathcing the train to Nice, from Milan, We got on the train, located our seat, sat down, anyway this sleazy looking wog was sitting in the window seat looking all angry, then this other couple comes along, its obvious sleazebag magimbo is sitting in their seat, but they are like, who the fuck cares, and plon down on one of the other seats, ANYWAY, this old bag comes along and starts shouting (shes not part of any sort of train authority..) and is yelling at this man anyway a ticket collector comes along, looks at his ticket, then cue some *non sensical giberish* anyway, Sleazebag Magimbo gets up with a huff and fucks off somewhere else, then the old bitch, who you would assume wanted to sit in the seat previously inhabited by sleazebag, just wandered off...
So i have no idea how she knew he didnt have the right seat.. eitherway we had a quite enjoyable 5 hour train trip talking to two aussies from melbourne..
Ahh to have someone how speaks english after 2 1/2 weeks of goooney goo goo!


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